Friday, February 12, 2010

Yesterday in Rome

From here in Soriano nel Cimino it is an easy half hour run to the huge car park at Orte railway station (Euro 1 for the day) and then Euros 9 each for a BIRG A-D ticket to allow use of public transport throughout the Lazio Region (including Rome) for the day.

I carried from Australian and as first obligation in this visit to Rome, took along my worn Borsalino Classico, thirty years in the wearing, sure in the belief that the Borsalino shop at Piazza del Popolo 20 would be pleased to renovate it, as I was pretty sure the tiny shop in Largo Arenula would have done thirty years ago. But now the world has changed, of course, and I was received with a measure of disdain at imagining such a thing. Alas...
Here some photos, of diverse attractions.

Here a gentleman walks into an archway from the most exclusive shopping street, the via Condotti.

Here Helen examines interesting festival attire.

Here is the Barcaccia created by Bernini father and son in 1627 at the foot of the Spanish Steps - the steps beginning in the left of the picture. The English poet John Keats died in 1821 in the house at the corner of the steps, now a museum. Out of sight to left is the house on the other side of the steps in which Bertolucci's wondrous 1998 film Besieged is set.

and this is just a nice photo of motorini (motor scooters) and a man running in the rain...

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