Sunday, February 14, 2010

San Valentino

After fresh air climbing to the castle behind our apartment, with a view of the snow on the Apennines, we went for lunch in the restaurant 30 metres from home, and ate well:

Agnello allo scottaditto (a handful of tiny grilled lamb chops, the 'scottaditto' translating as burned fingers')
Saltimbocca (veal with sage and parma ham, the saltimbocca translating as 'jump in the mouth')
Carciofo (artichoke, stuffed with garlic etc, delicate, eat the lot, nothing rough)
Asparagi gratinata (with light buttery parmesan dusted sauce)

Tiramisu (pronounce it tier - a - me - SOO, with emphasis on last, it translates as 'pull me up'; not to be confused with items of same name in Australian supermarkets, this was weightless and dreamy )
Castagne (chestnuts) in a lethal sauce with grappa.

Vino di casa, quartini (quarter litre flasks) of white both frizzante and non (bubbly and still).
Elena says: "I have discovered food."

Regarding this picture on the wall, Elena remarked: "Another strong woman." (comparing with a figure in the Fountain of Neptune in the Piazza Navona, our photo here)

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