Before our account of travels yesterday, this is written at late breakfast of coffee, bread, cheese, salami, proscuitto and fruit.
This photo shows cheeses on hand last night. Rear left, an excellent hard Romano, also for the pasta; small loaf of bread, buy only for the day or the meal, it is always available fresh; two pieces of an extraordinary goats cheese round, you will see how depleted it is having been purchased two days ago; a jar of local honey; at the front, Bel Paese at left, fresh and light, a taste not obtainable in Australia. Also at the front a sheep's [pecore] cheese which in its dullness says any country can make a dull cheese - and which explains why it was on sale.
And then, and then, right at the very front, a slice of bread, with honey and goat's cheese, recommendation of the market stall holder who sold it, wonderful combination.
And the other photo? Well, we are living on a hill and this is a portion of the walk to where the car is parked down below .... you can only see half the steps. There is a breath-catch space in the middle; a second flight of steps is obscured.
p.s. I can only regard the Cheeses In Immodest Quantity as responsible for a night of dream in which I somehow became West Australian Premier, planning sudden resignation this day, accepting request to be the bodyguard tomorrow for some visiting American popular movie thug male, who agreed without question to my request for $100,000 for the day's work. I had the media planning sorted, I began immediately planning to pass all the money directly to Vinnies, with some consideration (in the dream) of tax benefits, also considering Vinnies as the preferred charity being sceptical about the overheads of many charities, then becoming bogged in trying to work out how many Vinnies hostels there are and how much if cash direct to each. Which meant that I didn't manage to keep up with he whom I was supposed to guard, which for some reason he did not mind. The dream ran all night with fitful waking. I am accustomed to former-work-related nightmares of difficult coordination but this was ridiculous! I am considering when during the day and in what quantity cheese eating is wise... And as remarked to Elena, it would be really nice to have an erotic dream instead of that lot.
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